Gathern Sees a 240% Uplift in Bookings Using Flows and Smart Recommendations

Gathern Sees a 240% Uplift in Bookings Using Flows and Smart Recommendations

Increase in the number of bookings
Conversion rate for cart abandonment flows
About Gathern case-study-brand-logo

Gathern is a peer-to-peer (P2P) vacation rental Platform licensed by the tourism ministry. Gathern offers guests a variety of vacation rentals at the tap of a button and enables hosts to monetize & utilize their property all hassle-free.


Before MoEngage, while we were communicating periodically with customers, however, the uniqueness of each communication was missing. With MoEngage, we have been able to use capabilities like JINJA templates to build curated communications leading to better engagement.

Hassan El-Tahan
Hassan El-Tahan
Vice President of Growth, Gathern

The brand quickly onboarded MoEngage within a period of 8 weeks and was able to integrate MoEngage with other MARTECH platforms like mix panel and amplitude.

Building cross-channel flows to communicate periodically

Since onboarding, Gathern has been actively using flows along with all channels but WhatsApp to communicate with customers regularly. As a matter of fact, currently, the brand has 50+ active flows.

One of the event-triggered flows was to reactivate old customers. So the brand created a segment for users who had previously done a booking but had not been active for the last 28 days.

They also used conditional split to base their communication on what exactly the user was looking at. As a result of such efforts, Gathern witnessed a conversion rate of 10.6%.

Products Used
Customer Journey Orchestration
Create unique, seamless experiences at every stage of your customer’s journey.
Email Builder
Create out-of-the-box, personalized emails that convert, with fastest and easiest email builder.
Omnichannel Flows
Create connected experiences at every stage of customer journey across channels using Omnichannel Flows.

With MoEngage, Gathern was able to:

  • Increase the number of bookings by 240%
  • Increase DAU by 772%
  • Increase conversion rate for cart abandonment flows by 21.6%
  • Increase conversion rate for old customer flows by 10.6%