Hallo Magenta uplifts conversions by 30% with MoEngage

Hallo Magenta Maximised Conversions by 30% Using MoEngage Push Notifications and Flows

Conversion Uplift
Hallo Magenta case-study-brand-logo

The Telekom Smart Speaker is a convenient voice control for your home. The accompanying Hallo Magenta app helped customers set up the Smart Speaker. Customers could use voice control to control various things such as MagentaTV, check the latest news, take calls, and much more – all with their own voice. 



The Solution

The Hallo Magenta team onboarded MoEngage and Customlytics to increase feature discoverability and provide customers with personalised feature updates most suitable to them.

Customised Communication Boosts Engagement

MoEngage's easy-to-use Cards feature allows Telekom Smart Speaker to create content marketing in the app (card detail pages), publish it in real-time, and take it offline without programming or app store releases.

Flows help customers set up their Smart Speakers, receive personalised communication, and learn more about their desired features. As a result, the communication's relevance has increased, as has the speaker's use.

Customised push notifications successfully encourage customers to open the Hallo Magenta app and use the Telekom Smart Speaker on a regular basis. Their team was able to respond to users throughout the customer lifecycle with helpful messages, leading to increased use of the app and Smart Speaker.

Products Used
Omnichannel Flows
Create connected experiences at every stage of customer journey across channels using Omnichannel Flows.
Push Notification
Reach customers at the right time using AI-powered, targeted, push notifications.
Push Templates (Cards)
Deliver impactful content right into inboxes and personalized feeds with Deliver impactful content right into inboxes and personalized feeds with cards.
The Impact

↑75% CTR 

↑30% Conversion Uplift

↑50% CTR from Push Notifications